Network Spinal Analysis Care Elective Added at Sherman College

March 2, 2012

Network Spinal Analysis Care Elective Added at Sherman College

Sherman College of Chiropractic is adding a technique elective to its repertoire: Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) Care. President Jon Schwartzbauer, D.C., authorized the course following approval by several campus groups, including Faculty Senate, Academic Affairs Committee and Administrative Council. The elective request was initiated by students. The course will be offered in spring quarter 2012, which begins in April; it will also be included in the regular rotation of electives offered.

“We are pleased to offer the Network Spinal Analysis Care elective as it satisfies a current student demand and gives the college more flexibility and variety in its elective schedule,” Schwartzbauer said. “This is one way Sherman is meeting students’ needs for a comprehensive chiropractic education relevant to health care today.”

Committed to securing faculty who are experts in their course content and fields of study, the college has contracted with one of the leading instructors in NSA Care, Brian T. Lumb, D.C., to teach the course on its campus in Spartanburg, SC. Students completing the elective will receive a certificate of completion for NSA Basic Care training and will be eligible for NSA Intermediate and Advanced Care education.

Network Spinal Analysis Care is an evidence-based approach to wellness and body awareness, which cues the brain to create new reorganizational and wellness-promoting strategies. NSA Care incorporates low force contacts applied at specific points to the spine, which advances spinal and neural integrity and self-regulation of vertebral subluxation, thus improving health and healing.

NSA Care has been studied at several major universities, and has been the subject of the largest retrospective study ever conducted in the chiropractic profession demonstrating broad reaching improvements across several domains of quality of life and health.  Regarding this exciting new course offering at the college, Dr. Donald Epstein, founder and developer of NSA Care stated, “I am thrilled about the new NSA elective at Sherman College. This offering advances the many wonderful contributions of NSA Care to the academic and chiropractic community, which include numerous international conference presentations and published papers demonstrating NSA Care’s unique spinal reorganizational properties, enhanced nervous system coherence, and wellness benefits.”

Sherman’s 36-hour lecture/laboratory elective will explore the theory, analysis and protocol of Network Spinal Analysis Basic Care. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to describe the clinical objectives of NSA care, the Epstein Model of Spinal and Neural Integrity, the NSA phasing system, the physiologic effects of adverse cord tension and its resolution, and the role it plays in the NSA care system. Students will also learn to effectively evaluate patients using NSA Basic Care procedures and determine appropriate protocols and care plans.


Sherman College of Chiropractic provides students with a comprehensive chiropractic education, preparing them to enter the field as primary health care professionals who are highly skilled, compassionate, ethical and successful. On its 80-acre campus in South Carolina, Sherman offers a first professional degree program unique in its approach to health care and known globally for the skill and art of chiropractic delivered by graduates. For more information, visit www.sherman.eduor call 800-849-8771.